
Bandon Dunes Resort (Bandon Trails Course) Hole by Hole - 17th Hole

Bandon Dunes Resort (Bandon Trails Course), Oregon

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Hole 17 at Bandon Dunes Resort (Bandon Trails Course) is a challenging par 3, with a distance of 180 yards from the championship tees. With a handicap of 16, this hole presents an opportunity for skilled golfers to make up some strokes on their competitors.

The tee shot on this hole requires precision and strategy. The average golfer should aim to hit their driver approximately 217 yards in order to set themselves up for success on the approach shot. However, be mindful of the weather conditions as altitude, temperature and wind can greatly impact ball flight.

The green is generously sized at 11024 square feet but is well-protected by three bunkers strategically placed around it. These greenside bunkers account for only 14% of the total area but require careful consideration when planning your approach shot.

For most golfers, hitting a pitching wedge (~120 yards) or even a short iron may be necessary to reach the green in regulation. Be sure to factor in any potential hazards or obstacles that may come into play such as water or rough terrain surrounding the green.

During different seasons throughout the year, local weather conditions can vary greatly at Bandon Dunes Resort. In colder months, expect lower temperatures and stronger winds which may affect club selection and ball flight distance. During warmer months, higher altitudes could lead to longer shots off the tee so be prepared with appropriate clubs.

Overall, Hole 17 offers both challenges and opportunities for golfers looking to improve their score at Bandon Dunes Resort (Bandon Trails Course). With strategic tee shots and accurate approaches, players have a chance to conquer this par 3 and finish strong on their round.

Teebox type: Championship

Par: 3

Distance: 180 yards

Handicap: 16

Green Area:


Approx Fairway Width:

Has Water:



Percent Bunkers Near green:


Bunker Count:



Some fairway bunkers, with the majority (51%) strategically placed around the area.

Club Recommendations

1. Aim for a distance of 217 yards off the tee with your driver to set yourself up for success on the approach shot.

2. Take into account weather conditions, such as altitude, temperature and wind, when planning your shots.

3. Be mindful of three strategically placed bunkers around the green and plan accordingly to avoid them.

4. Consider using a pitching wedge or short iron for your approach shot in order to reach the generously sized green in regulation.

5. Factor in any potential hazards or obstacles, such as water or rough terrain, when deciding on club selection for your approach shot.

6. During colder months, expect lower temperatures and stronger winds which may affect club selection and ball flight distance.

7. In warmer months, be prepared for longer shots off the tee due to higher altitudes at Bandon Dunes Resort (Bandon Trails Course).

8. A well-executed tee shot and accurate approach can lead to opportunities for making up strokes on competitors at this challenging par 3 hole.

9. Stay focused and confident throughout this hole – it offers both challenges and chances to improve your score at Bandon Dunes Resort (Bandon Trails Course).

"The most important shot in golf is the next one."
- Ben Hogan

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