
Ballyowen Golf Club Hole by Hole - 17th Hole

Ballyowen Golf Club, New Jersey

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Hole 17 at Ballyowen Golf Club in Hamburg, New Jersey is a challenging Par 5 from the Championship tees measuring 520 yards. The Pro tees measure 490 yards, Men's 475 yards, Seniors' 425 yards and Women's 357 yards. With a slight dogleg left and an approximate fairway width of 52 yards, this hole requires accuracy off the tee to set up a good approach shot into the 18148 sq ft green. Greenside bunkers make up 2% of total bunker count (9) so careful consideration should be given when selecting your club for the approach shot. During summer months in New Jersey temperatures can get hot with humidity levels higher than normal which could cause ball flights to go further than expected while altitude remains relatively consistent throughout all four seasons making wind conditions more influential on ball flight direction and distance depending on seasonality. A driver hit around 217 yards will likely leave you between 200-225 out after your second shot leaving you with roughly 7 iron or pitching wedge range for your third shot into this large green complex.

Teebox type: Championship

Par: 5

Distance: 520 yards

Handicap: 10

Green Area:


Approx Fairway Width:


Has Water:



Slight dogleg

Percent Bunkers Near green:


Bunker Count:



Some fairway bunkers, with the majority (51%) strategically placed around the area.

Club Recommendations

Playing Tips:

1. Use a driver off the tee to maximize distance and accuracy, aiming for 217 yards to leave you in good position for your second shot.

2. Take into consideration the temperature and humidity levels when selecting your club as higher temperatures may cause ball flights to go further than expected.

3. Wind conditions should also be taken into account, particularly during seasonal changes, as wind can influence ball flight direction and distance significantly.

4. After your second shot you will likely have between 200-225 left so plan accordingly with either a 7 iron or pitching wedge depending on how far out you are from the green complex.

5. Be mindful of the 9 bunkers surrounding this large 18148 sq ft green; 2% of them are greenside bunkers so consider carefully when selecting clubs for approach shots to avoid any unwanted hazards!

"The most important shot in golf is the next one."
- Ben Hogan

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