
The Grand Golf Club Hole by Hole - 13th Hole

The Grand Golf Club, California

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Hole 13 at the Grand Golf Club in San Diego, California is a 446 yard par 4 from the championship tees. It has a slight dogleg left and is rated as the second most difficult hole on the course with a handicap of 2. The fairway width averages 29 yards wide so accuracy off of the tee shot is key to setting up an approach shot into this green that measures 10778 square feet surrounded by three bunkers accounting for 1% of its total area. Depending on your skill level, you may choose to hit anything from driver to hybrid or even iron off of this tee box. Keep in mind that due to San Diego's mild climate, altitude and temperature will not have much effect on ball flight conditions throughout all four seasons but wind can be an issue depending on which direction it’s blowing. With that being said, playing conservatively off of this tee box may be beneficial when trying to set yourself up for an approach shot within 140-120 yards with either a 7 iron or pitching wedge respectively.

Teebox type: Championship

Par: 4

Distance: 446 yards

Handicap: 2

Green Area:


Approx Fairway Width:


Has Water:



Slight dogleg

Percent Bunkers Near green:


Bunker Count:



Some fairway bunkers, with the majority (51%) strategically placed around the area.

Club Recommendations

Playing Tips:

1. Accuracy off the tee is key - aim for a spot in the fairway that will give you a good angle to approach the green and avoid hazards.

2. Consider playing conservatively off of this tee box, aiming for 140-120 yards from the green with your second shot. This will allow you to hit an easier club into the large green and reduce risk of missing it or landing in one of its bunkers.

3. Wind can be a factor here so check out which direction it’s blowing before hitting your shots and adjust accordingly if needed.

4. Altitude and temperature won't have much effect on ball flight conditions due to San Diego's mild climate throughout all four seasons, but keep an eye on wind speed as it may affect how far your ball travels when hitting driver or hybrid clubs off of this tee box

"The most important shot in golf is the next one."
- Ben Hogan

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